We (my family and I) packed into our teeny tiny car, and started to drive. We drove for about an hour when we got to (drum roll) Naot Smidar (a kibbutz between where we live, and Eilat) We piled out of the car, well to tell you the truth my family (minus me) piled out of the car, but I? I was very very busy sawing logs in the backseat. (Notice: if you didn't know this, Naot Smidar has the best ice cream in Israel). My mom came to the backseat to wake me up (another notice: just because of this part of the story does NOT mean I don't like ice cream) I stared at my mom grudgingly, and said, "I don't want to get up!" Now, I don't know how, but all I can tell you is that somehow my mom got me out of the car. I am so happy she did because the ice cream really lived up to it's reputation.
Sorry, but for your sake I will fast forward to the next interesting thing that happened. This occurs the next day.
Please don't go under the dock I silently prayed. I want to see you! PLEASE?! Oh sorry, didn't see you there! Allow me to tell you where you are, and why you are here! You are at the wonderful Eilat Dolphin Reef, and today I am going for a little swim with the dolphins, and I have invited you to come along with me! I am just sitting on the dock here hoping one of the eight dolphins here will come up to me and let me pet it. Oh, I am probably boring you, so I will tell you a little more about why I am here. I am going to be snorkeling with these dolphins. These dolphins are not in a pool, but rather in the dolphin reef in the sea. These dolphins act like wild dolphins, except they are fed. Not as much as they need so they still hunt, but so they don't go hungry since there aren't enough fish for them in the Red Sea.
I am going to fast forward a little more to the snorkel. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
"Mom, are these wet suits supposed to be this tight?" I asked. It seriously felt like it was squeezing out my brain! We walked to the water, and stepped in. After a little bit of hustle and bustle we got started. We held hands, and swam behind our guide/trainer. The dolphins didn't touch us, but we got to see them living their daily lives. They were such amazing animals! You could actually hear their sonar before you could see them. It was absolutely fantastic. They would swim around you playing with each other. They were such amazing creatures it was fantastic to be so close to them.
I am going fast forward again,so if you want to see/hear more about our snorkel you can go to http://www.dolphinreef.co.il/. That is the website, and you can see pictures, and read about it. We will now go to the next day in the coral reef. I will make sure to keep it nice and brief since my mom already did a blog on it.
We started off with some nice little snorkel practice since my snorkel wasn't working properly. When we thought that we could do it we started off. "Ahhh!" I screamed (not for a scary reason). I had just touched a really cool jelly fish. They couldn't sting so we could touched them. They felt really cool. We saw amazing fish, and then Miriam and I were swimming a bit ahead, and at the same moment we both started screaming, and swam as fast as we could back to our parents. We had seen this really creepy thing that looked slightly like a sword fish. There were many more screaming moments like when we saw a really cool fish, or a really scary fish. For example my mom was looking at this cool bright colorful fish. It had big teeth for cracking open the coral (which I didn't know at the time), and the tech scared me so I swam on top of my mom until the fish went away. It was so cool to snorkel, and to see all of the amazing fish.
When we were done snorkeling we drove home. We had a bit of a problem since we didn't know it was holocaust remembrance day eve, and so everything was closed. We tried to go places for dinner, and when we had tried two one of which was a 24 hour place we remembered what holiday it was, and we had to go home for dinner.
That trip was an wonderful trip that I will never forget. The amazing dolphins, and the heart racing fish. If you ever come to Israel definitely go to the wonderful underwater world of Eilat.
Naot Smidar has the best ice cream in Israel? Better than Aldo's????