Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Adloyada

In Israel, they don't celebrate Halloween. That's a Christian holiday. The holiday in Israel when everyone dresses up in costumes and goes to parties is Purim. One of the best places to celebrate Purim in Israel is in Midreshet Ben Gurion where we live. The highlight of the holiday is the parade that is put on by the local high school students. It is known as the "Adloyada," which is a compound word which roughly means "until he no longer knows." It comes from an old Jewish tradition that on this holiday one should drink until he no longer knows the difference between the hero and the villain in the ancient story that forms the basis for the holiday. The high school students build floats out of recycyled materials like paper mache and empty plastic bottles. They also dress up in costumes, march in the parade, dance, and put on skits. For months before the event they stay up until the early hours of the morning listening to loud throbbing music, building their floats, and rehearsing their dances. Since the high school is right near our house, we would walk over sometimes to check on their progress. Here's how we took part in the Adloyada on the day of the event.

Our day started out by getting up early and putting on our costumes. Here's Rebekah getting into her cloud costume which she made herself over the course of a process that could fill up several blogs just by itself.

Next, we walked over to the main street through town where the parade takes place. All the streets are blocked off for the parade. Even the main gate of the town is closed. Visitors park on the road entering town and walk in. Here's Lynn in her costume.

After a long wait we hear music and along comes the first float. It roughly says, "You are invited to the world of insects."

As you might have guessed, the theme for this class is insects. Here you can see them dancing in their insect costumes.

Here comes another insect float. Look, it's a Volkswagen bug.

Here comes the American themed class, starting out with Columbus.

As you know, America is filled with hillbillies. Here some are dancing up a storm.

Here comes the best float of the entire parade. It's the Statue of Liberty holding an ipad instead of a torch.

Looks like these Indians are doing a rain dance.

What would America be without cheerleaders?

Time for the next class. The theme now is heaven and hell.

These angels look hot and tired.

Next theme. Chickens. Which came first?

Did someone say he heard some foxes?

Time for the final float.

After the parade we went home and napped. Then we got up and went to house parties until late into the night.

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