Monday, February 7, 2011

The hiking from our house

Jay and I have been hiking most days. Right across the street from our house is a canyon, much of which is a national park. National parks here are a bit different from in the US. Here's the entrance.

The canyons are different too. There is no river at the bottom. Instead, there is a dry wash, or wadi. I’m not quite used to the hiking here, which is to say I don’t always see the beauty yet. On top of the canyon, it can be desolate and empty and, frankly, boring. In the canyon, it can be stark and, to me, terrifying, because so easy to lose my way.

The other day we decided to go to the “sculpture garden” listed on our map. Here's the view from afar:
Getting closer

It turned out to be what I’m pretty sure were a lot of rusted car and truck bumpers mounted in the ground.

I think there's a lesson here for me. The beauty in the desert isn't the smack-in-your-face variety of gorgeousness I'm used to in Colorado. It's much more subtle. I find I have to slow down and really look, be open to seeing the nuances. I've been here just a over a week, and already I can see more.

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